Sunday, December 5, 2010

A day at Rookery Bay

For my service learning project I went to Rookery Bay. I drove south on  951 heading towards Marco Island. That day was somewhat windy and cold, but I was somewhat nervous not knowing what to expect. As I approached it was an inviting place everything surrounding the entrance was nicely decorated. When I walked in I was surprised by the artwork on the walls and was greeted by a volunteer. A fourth grade class was taking a field trip to the site and I observed them for a bit. There was so much to see. I went towards the boardwalk to go on the trail but my exit to go back inside I met a black snake fortunately he went to the grass and did not harm me. The second floor of the education center there was much to read and see as well. There were labs where they do different experiments. On the main floor there was a huge aquarium with different species of fish. I really enjoyed visiting because there is much to do.

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